Annual Meeting Minutes – July 21, 2017
July 21, 2017 9:45 A.M. (27 in attendance)
1. Jim Z, present last years minutes for approval (2016), Anita N., Pete F., motion and second to approve
2. Paul C., provided his financial report, combined with the treasurers report (see handout). Pam W., Pete F., motion and second to approve
3. Jeff Kenkel, report on completed status of forming the 501 C-3. This now makes it possible to make tax deductible donations, also estate and trust donations can be made to OXBOW LAKE ASSOCIATION
4. Otto N. Presidents report.
Web site has been completed…and is up and running. (Gary Hughes, was instrumental in setting the site up. (TRY IT!
5. Stu W. asked if there was interest in doing the “fish crib” contest next year…and show of hands confirmed…yes! Stu will also cut up trees that have fallen near shore, for future fish cribs.
6. Thanks were mentioned to the many volunteers….for monitoring aquatic patrol, boat landing during fishing tournaments, etc. Our lake is very healthy, and clean. (This will be addressed in the meeting to follow, with Dean, from Whitewater Consultants)
7. Introduction of new residents on the lake: WELCOME!
Steve and Sandy Atkinson
Judy and Peter Ferretti
8. We are encouraged to vote in Presque Isle….if we are residents
9. There will be a 15% reduction in assessed values of all properties, per the tax assessor…..based on real market values of homes.
10. Paul C…..Nomination Committee for open board positions:
Vice President. ….Stu Whipple
Treasurer….Jeff Kenkel
Director…….Gary Hughes
Motion was made and seconded, to approve the nominees, as presented
11. New business:
Linda N. stated the high quality of our EMS service….citing several recent life saving episodes!
Attendees then listened to a presentation on Oxbow Lake….its’ high quality as a fresh water lake, by Dean, from Whitewater Consultants…..some people then went on a field trip…to experience our lake with him.
Respectfully submitted…Jim Zientek…Secretary