Win Big, Guess The Date and Time When Our 2019 Fish Crib Sinks

Do you ever wonder when the ice goes out on Oxbow Lake? Here’s a chance to find out and contribute to your lake association’s general fund. This spring (2019) you have another chance to learn the time of “ice out” and be a possible winner of the 50/50 pot for those entering the contest by guessing when the ice goes out on Peaceful Bay, Oxbow Lake, spring 2019. Peaceful Bay is where Stu Whipple lives (N.E. bay.) We will sink the crib in 20 feet of water and the GPS coordinates will be published in the Spring Newsletter and on our website. The first fish crib’s GPS coordinates are already listed in the Oxbow Lake Website.

Here are the rules for entering. Your president, Otto Novak, and vice president, Stu Whipple (and spouses Linda and Pam respectively) are barred from entering. All other Oxbow Lake property owners are eligible to play.

Your task is to guess when a fish crib (6’ x 6’ x 4.5’) sinks beneath the surface of Peaceful Bay during spring melt. An attached flag disappearing beneath the surface in the spring marks the time of “ice out” and the winner will earn 50% of the entrant donations. The other half will be added to our Association general fund.

Here’s how to enter:
Download and mail the PDF Entry Form. Enter below your guess for Month, Day, Hour and Minute when the fish crib flag disappears beneath the surface. (Note: any time between 10 PM and 7 AM will be counted as 7 AM of that following morning—I am not staying up all night to watch if it sinks.)

You will be notified via email soon after the fish crib sinks as to the winner and time submerged hence “ice out.” Questions? Call Stu at 715-686-7793. Let it ring, I’m old.

Thanks for supporting your local fishery, lake association and lucky winner.