Past Projects


The Oxbow Lake Association (OLA) is founded.


Oxbow Lake (OL) is rezoned Residential (R1), restricting use of lake front properties to single-family residential homes, grandfathering existing resorts, and preventing commercial development.


OLA helps form the Presque Isle Town Lakes Committee with representatives from 11 other area lake associations in a joint effort to prevent invasion of aquatic invasive species. OLA members are elected to critical officer positions and are instrumental in the formation and direction of the committee.


OLA begins official lake clarity measurement (Secchi disk) and reporting to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR).

OLA board members form a partnership with the WDNR to gain insight into the WDNR’s expectations and garner support (e.g. fish creel surveys, grants, etc.) for future preservation activity.


OL is one of seven area lakes awarded WDNR grants for the purpose of performing lake studies, including an aquatic plant inventory which confirms the absence of aquatic invasive species (AIS). The lake study also serves as required baseline documentation needed to secure WDNR funding to combat AIS, should it ever be encountered.

In conjunction with the WDNR, OLA board members replace the boat landing kiosk with a new kiosk that includes all required WDNR and Town of Presque Isle notices. Additionally, an informational map is included to inform boaters of the protected shoreline perimeter.

The Clean Boats – Clean Waters Program is initiated on OL to help prevent the invasion of AIS. OLA members begin inspecting boats and trailers on days when the boat landing has increased activity (e.g. fishing tournaments, holiday weekends).


2008 Fish Creel Survey and Study is conducted in response to the 2006 OLA/WDNR joint meeting. The study reveals a healthy, natural reproducing fishery which requires no additional stocking.

OL becomes the first area lake to have an approved and completed Aquatic Plant Management Plan (APMP) which, in addition to an aquatic plant inventory, details the actions recommended by ecology scientists.


OLA members receive tools and training from the WNDR to begin water chemistry profiling used to help determine lake health. This activity along with lake clarity readings, indicate improving lake condition as compared the previous most recent measurements from the 1980’s and 1990’s.


OLA initiates the all-volunteer Adopt-A-Shoreline Program to provide early detection of AIS and lessen the damage and associated expense should AIS ever invade OL.


OLA expands focus to include terrestrial invasive species (TIS) after recent discoveries of both garlic mustard and Japanese knotweed in Presque Isle, including on an OL property.

The first OLA Flotilla is held, beginning what has become an annual, on-water social event.


WDNR awards OL with an $8,600 grant award for a 2nd lake study to begin July 2014.


The 2nd aquatic plant inventory is performed on Oxbow Lake showing that Oxbow lake remains AIS free.

Dissolved oxygen readings are added to monitoring efforts.

OLA membership exceeds 50 family memberships


OLA expands focus to include wetlands.


OLA applies for 501c3 status.

Annual recreational lake use studies begin.

2016, August

OLA 501c3 status tax status approved by State of WI

2017, July

Web Site Roll-Out


OLA awarded an unprecedented 3rd aquatic plant survey and first shoreline assessment grant

2018, May

Subsequent fish population study and creel survey takes place